Trend Micro TippingPoint 440T HW

  1. Start the console session.

    Plug in serial cable to console port of device from PC COM1 port
    Open PuTTY and select "Serial" connection type, leave baud rate (Speed) and other settings as default.
    Plug power into device and if a power button exists, turn it on.
  2. Set temporary Super User credentials and log in with them.

    When the word "Loading" appears (in blue below) and before the dots appear after it type mkey:
    Loading kernel modules...............................................[ OK ] Checking firmware....................................................[ OK ] Starting syslog daemon...............................................[ OK ] Configuring system firewall..........................................[ OK ] Configuring system...................................................[ OK ] Starting platform daemons............................................[ OK ] Starting keystore....................................................[ OK ] Starting health monitoring...........................................[ OK ] Starting fast path...................................................[ OK ] Starting TippingPoint OS.............................................[ OK ] Starting segments....................................................[ OK ] Starting XMS.........................................................[ OK ] Starting certificate status monitoring...............................[ OK ] Loading configuration................................................[ OK ] Starting process monitoring..........................................[ OK ] Updating boot counts.................................................[ OK ] Loading....
    When prompted enter superadmin as a temporary username and Passw0rd as a temporary password:
    Welcome to Super User Password Recovery Please enter the Super User account username and password. Password recovery will create a new super user account, or will reset the password on an existing super user account. Spaces are not permitted in username or password. Minimum password requirements currently configured on the system are: Maximum The password must contain 8 characters or more, at least 2 alpha characters, at least 1 digit, and at least 1 non-alphanumeric character Enter Super User username: superadmin Enter Super User password: Passw0rd Verify Super User password: Passw0rd Saving information ...Done
    Log in with the temporary credentials you just created:
    TippingPoint Threat Protection System ready TippingPoint Operating System Model Number : 440T (IPS) Serial Number : 440T-50R6-80B7 Build : Fri May 20 00:27:32 UTC 2016 Digital Vaccine : Hardware Rev : B4 IPM Version : 1.d (working) ips login: superadmin Password: Passw0rd
  3. Access the ips{} prompt.

    In the Setup wizard press Enter at each prompt for the default option then type s to save the changes:
    Entering Setup wizard... The host management port is used to configure and monitor this device via a network connection (e.g., a web browser). Enter Management IPv4 Address []: Enter Network IPv4 Mask []: Enter optional IPv6 Address [none]: Enter Host Name [ips]: Enter optional Host Location []: The default gateway is a router that enables this device to communicate with other devices on the management network outside of the local subnet. Do you require a default gateway? <y,[N]>: The DNS server resolves hostnames to IP addresses. Would you like to configure a DNS server <y,[N]>: Timekeeping options allow you to set the time zone, and configure or disable NTP. Would you like to modify the timekeeping options <y,[N]>: Host IPv4: Host Name: ips Would you like to Save these changes, Edit them, or Quit the OBE? <[S]/e/q>: s If you wish to run this wizard again, use the 'setup' command.
  4. Erase configuration.

    At the ips{} prompt type the debug factory-reset command then the COMMIT command when prompted:
    ips{}debug factory-reset WARNING!!! This command WILL reset this device to factory default configuration. This will remove all network and security configuration, user accounts log files, snapshots and applied software upgrades You will NOT be able to recover any of this data from the device after this command has been confirmed After the factory reset completes, the device will automatically reboot and display the OBE Warning: Type the word 'COMMIT' to continue: COMMIT ips{} Broadcast message from root@ips (unknown) at 23:52 ... The system is going down for reboot NOW! Killing process monitors.............................................[ OK ] Placing segments in L2FB.............................................[ OK ] Preparing switch for shutdown........................................[ OK ] Signalling shutdown..................................................[ OK ] Sending stopstates...................................................[ OK ] Killing remaining processes..........................................[ OK ] Unmounting filesystems...............................................[ OK ] Restarting system.
    Allow the system to fully reboot to a Security level prompt:
    TippingPoint Failsafe -- Thu Feb 11 00:57:47 UTC 2016 Rev: 29427 Press BACKSPACE (CTRL-H) or DEL to interrupt normal boot. --- Performing factory reset --- Setting default configuration........................................[ OK ] Deleting logstore....................................................[ OK ] … Please specify a security level to be used for initial super-user name and password creation. As super-user, you can modify the security level later on via Command Line Interface (CLI) or Local Security Manager (LSM). Security level [Maximum]:
    Do not continue, just power off the device and unplug the cables.
  5. Copy all the output from the session into your records.

    Right-click PuTTY's titlebar, from that dropdown menu click on "Copy All to Clipboard"
    Open the file of record certifying the deconfiguration of this device and use CTRL V to paste all the output from PuTTY into that file. Formatting the text with a fixed-width font helps it look more readable.
  6. End the session.

    Close PuTTy.