1. Power the device on.

    Plug power into device and if a power button exists, turn it on and give it time to fully boot.
  2. Perform a hardware reset.

    Using paperclip wire press the recessed hardware reset button and hold it down for 5+ seconds.
    Signal strength LEDs indicate the elapsed time while holding the reset button. When all 5 LEDs light up, it indicates that 5 seconds have passed and the reset button can be released. Start of the factory reset will be indicated by flashing of all 5 together with a red connection status LED.
  3. Log in with default credentials.

    Plug an ethernet cable into the device ethernet port from your PC ethernet port.
    Manually set the ethernet PC interface IP to the same subnet as the default IP of the device which is
    PC ethernet interface IP settings
    Open PuTTY and type into the Host Name (or IP address) box for SSH connection and press Enter:
    login as: root root@'s password: admin01 BusyBox v1.19.4 (2017-10-25 14:12:21 EEST) built-in shell (ash) Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands. ____ _ _ _____ _____ ____ __ | _ \| | | |_ _/ _ \ \/ /\ \/ / | |_) | | | | | || (_) \ / \ / | _ <| |_| | | | \__ / \ / \ |_| \_\\___/ |_| /_/_/\_\/_/\_\ Teltonika 2014
  4. Erase configuration and reboot.

    Type firstboot then type y when prompted to confirm:
    root@Teltonika:~# firstboot This will erase all settings and remove any installed packages. Are you sure? [N/y] y /dev/mtdblock5 is mounted as /overlay, only erasing files
    Type reboot
    root@Teltonika:~# reboot
    Remember to also remove the SIM card.
  5. Copy all the output from the session into your records.

    Right-click PuTTY's titlebar, from that dropdown menu click on "Copy All to Clipboard"
    Open the file of record certifying the deconfiguration of this device and use CTRL V to paste all the output from PuTTY into that file. Formatting the text with a fixed-width font helps it look more readable.
  6. End the session.

    Close PuTTY.