IBM G8052

  1. Perform a hard reset of the device.

    Plug in ethernet cable to ethernet port of device from PC ethernet port, ensuring that interface has an IP address in the same subnet as the IBM device.
    PC ethernet interface IP settings
    Plug power into device and if a power button exists, turn it on, allow time for it to fully boot up.
    Use a paperclip or other tool thin enough to press the recessed hardware reset button for over 5 seconds.
    IBM G8052
  2. Ensure you can log in with default credentials indicating configuration is erased.

    Open PuTTY and for Connection Type select Other and ensure Telnet is the chosen item in the dropdown next to it, and into the Host Name (or IP address) box type and click the Open button:
    IBM Networking Operating System RackSwitch G8052.
    At the Enter  password:  prompt type admin then type enable at the next prompt:
    Enter password: admin RS G8052> Jan 1 0:40:24 NOTICE mgmt: admin(admin) login from host RS G8052>enable Enable privilege granted. RS G8052#
    This means all configuration data has been erased.
  3. Copy all the output from the session into your records.

    Right-click PuTTY's titlebar, from that dropdown menu click on "Copy All to Clipboard"
    Open the file of record certifying the deconfiguration of this device and use CTRL V to paste all the output from PuTTY into that file. Formatting the text with a fixed-width font helps it look more readable.
  4. End the session.

    Close PuTTy.